Industrial water desalinator

Industrial water desalinator

Industrial water desalinator or industrial water purifier is a system that with reverse osmosis technology (reverse osmosis) improves water quality in a volume of more than 2.5 cubic meters per day to be more acceptable to the end user.

Industrial water desalinator

Industrial water desalination is a device used for water purification and desalination on a large and industrial scale. The reverse osmosis water treatment system takes saline and solute water from the sea, water wells, underground streams and aqueducts, and by applying osmotic pressure, removes all salts, including calcium, magnesium, suspended particles, sodium, and water. The membranes act as semi-permeable membranes and provide fresh water to the consumer.

This device is referred to by titles such as reverse osmosis package, industrial RO package, industrial water purifier and… in different sections.

Inlet water to desalination plants can be supplied from various sources. The following are mentioned:

Groundwater such as wells and aqueducts
Groundwater depending on the location of the well and other factors can have any range of TDS and TH (so-called sweet or salty and with low or high hardness)
Surface waters such as rivers and springs
Surface waters are usually fresh (ie their TDS range is low) but can be high hardness (TH can be relatively high)
The waters of lakes, seas and oceans are very salty (meaning the TDS range is very high)